Silva Method: Silva Life System

A 2-days personal development programme that you will learn the specific life skills to master the power of the subconscious mind to achieve your goals in life.

Silva Method: Silva Life System

A 2-days personal development programme that you will learn the specific life skills to master the power of the subconscious mind to achieve your goals in life.

What do people really want in life?

Studies have shown that most people don’t want to be ultra-rich but they want

What you will learn

1. Stress Control & Mental Health Management

- Master the Art & Science of Relaxation
- To reduce stress easily by learning how to relax mind & body instantly.

2. Learn dynamic Alpha Brain-Mind functioning for

- Sleep Control peacefully every night.
- Stay Awake Technique - to be revitalized & re-energized.
- Headache-free Control - overcome headaches, migraines.
- Accelerate physical and emotional healing.
- Energy Boost - re-energize and rejuvenate yourself in 60 seconds or less.
- Improve immune system functioning.

3. Success Conditioning

Discover how language affects your psyche and what you can do about it. You can programme your subconscious mind for success :

- Improve communication and performance skills through mental conditioning.
- Improve personal relationships with loved ones, family, friends, work-mates etc.
- Overcome non-empowering habits and establish empowering habits of excellence.
- Develop your capacity to be more creative and intuitive & to make better decisions.
- Control unhealthy habits such as overeating and smoking.
- Free yourself from negative thoughts and feelings that block your success.
- Feel positive, focused and motivated.

4. Creative Visualization & Imagination

- Memory enhancement.
- Enhance creativity & problem solving capabilities.
- Increase your power to concentrate on what you believe is important to your life.

Course Module

Module 1 : Your Awesome Brain and Mind

  1. The fundamental laws of Brain & Mind.
  2. The mind’s role in
  3. Stress Management.
  4. Free up your mental energy to handle challenges easily.
  5. Sleep & Rest: The impact of sleep on alertness & performance.
  6. Quick Stress Release Control.
  7. The Power of Alpha Functioning – a state of mental calm and relaxation.

Module 2 : Defining Mindset Paradigm

  1. Understand the Language of the Brain.
  2. To harness the power of human mind.
  3. Challenge & influence your mental frames.
  4. Identify & overcome persistent barriers to work performance.
  5. Adapt & thrive on changes – be able to work smarter & better.
  6. Adopt a peak performer’s mindset.

Module 3 : Empowerment Effectiveness

1. Define habit & its role in performance.
How to :
2. Empower habits of excellence & effectiveness for peak performance.
3.  Enhance personal power.
4. Eliminate self-defeating thoughts and behaviors.
5. Gain necessary security to embrace changes effortlessly.
6. Integrate habits of excellence & effectiveness.

Module 4 : Goal Setting

  1. Gain clearer vision on what you need most.
  2. Value of Goal Setting.
  3. Learn to be more focused.
  4. Harness the power of Visualization and Imagination.
  5. The Mind’s role in Goal Setting.
  6. Preparing your mental framework to recognize performance opportunities.
  7. Goal setting in action.

Module 5 : Unleash Your Power of Creativity

  1. Creative Problem Solving Techniques.
  2. Mental Imagery for Problem Solving.
  3. Principles of Memory Development & Enhancement.
  4. Triggering mechanisms & problem solving techniques.

Meet Jose Silva

About Silva Method

It was discovered and founded by Jose Silva who initially intended to help his children to do better in their education. Over the years of his experiment - many scientists and researchers have collaborated and endorsed the work of Jose Silva. 

For over 50 years the Silva Method has touched millions of lives in more than 100 countries. The techniques and methodology that was taught are used by corporate CEOs to Hollywood celebrities to individuals who want to achieve breakthroughs in their personal development. 

With the world moving towards a more noisy, stressful and bustling - the Silva Method is being more relevant and essential to our daily lives, including the youth - To me, it is a life skill that everyone should possess to lead a successful and happy life.

Since then it has

0 +
Millions Life Touched
years history

Used by:

Businesses Employees | Athletes | Healthcare Professionals | Personal Growth Authors

Unleash the Power of Your Subconscious Mind Today!

Believe me, you will be surprise and grateful to know about this program!

Why Silva Method

Scientifically proven
Track record of 5 decades and 6 million past students
Lifetime membership
Large support community

Why Silva Method

Scientifically proven
Track record of 5 decades and 6 million past students
Lifetime membership
Large support community

About the instructor

William has been working with MNCs and dealing with big brands such as Johnson & Johnson, Google and Alibaba. In his career journey, he has been exposed to many trainings and it is from those trainings that inspired him to become a certified trainer.

It was an NLP training that first ignited his interest in the subconscious mind that eventually led William to know about the Silva Method. After the discovery and mastering the Silva Method, he believes that this is that one skill every individual should possess to take control of their mind to lead a fulfilled life.

William also feels that this is the very life skill that we are not learning from our education system. He then now embarks on his next mission as a certified Silva Method instructor to teach and share with more people this essential life skill that he has acquired so that they too can lead a successful, healthy and happy life. 

Dato Sheikh Mustapha Shukor
the first Malaysian astronaut

Scientifically Proven Method for Relaxation, Visualization, Problem Solving and more!

Popular Silva Graduate such as
Bruce Lipton  |  Jack Canfield | 
Tan Sri Dr Raja Ahmad Noordin (Former Director-General of Ministry of Health) !

The Silva Method Programme was also attended by

What Our Silva Graduates say

from all over the world

"I belief the Silva Method is significant and essential for every individual. Before I attended the course I was unsure, insecure and frustrated due to my previous failures. But after the course, it had given me hope and belief that every individual is a unique entity with a mind of his/her own. The Silva Method is truly essential and beneficial for anybody in any time and in any different walks of life."
Seet Wykeen
"Silva Method is a useful technique for overcome stress, mind control and improve memories. After going through the course I find myself relieved from the work pressures and tension and no more bad dream during night. I feel very energetic, lively, better and better and no more headache."
Noriah Mohamad Ali
Bank Manager
"Have taught me to live life on basis (principle) of "reap what you sow," that to receive one must give and not ever to will harm or ill-luck upon anyone. To see the truth of, and how to practice, these Universal Laws - this is the gist of the Silva Method.

"Going to level" daily have helped to maintain my health, and occasional bouts of flu and sore-throat (due to my nature of work) have been overcome without medication."
Ng Chee Thong
Dental Surgeon
"From the Silva Method course I learned particularly two very important techniques i.e. Visualization and Relaxation which are very important for controlling the neurons system in order to tap ones potential. I became very positive and creative in everything that I do either at the workplace as for family.

I also manage easily to control my stress which is important especially at the workplace as well as managing my family life. Enjoy practicing visualizations to sharpen my intuition. It has brought me my rewards."
Sharifah Zarohan Jaafar
Lecturer at ITM
"I have found that the Silva Method is the most practical and applicable method in doing mind programming. I have greatly benefited from this course. I would strongly recommend it to anyone in search of personal development and who looking for a practical way in achieving their lives objectives and goals. Specially recommended for high achievers."
Michael Inthran
Operational Manager
"The first ever Personal Development Seminar that I attended and I still believe to be the best training in the domain of the mind. I can only say that subsequent seminars that I've done could not even match the power and impact of the Silva Method. I whole heartedly believe and recommend the Silva Method to all those who are seeking for the answer. Best wishes!"
Lim Si Pin
"To someone who has been searching for the methods to tap his inner potential, the Silva Method has provided this. I believe that the Silva Method should be the foundation of all other teaching from scholars and philosophers. It does wonders to your belief system."
Information Technology

Video Testimonial from Silva Graduates

Bruce Lipton

Tan Sri Dr Raja Ahmad Noordin
Former Director-General of Ministry of Health, Malaysia

Kain Samiya
Certified Silva Method Instructor

Nazlan Baharudin, Architect

Ho Soo Aun
Silva Graduate

Steve Setera
Silva Graduate

Athena Pang
Silva Graduate

Dato Sheikh Mustapha Shukor
Silva Graduate

Jack Canfield
Chicken Soup of the Day

Ken Coscia
Certified Silva Success Coach
Certified Silva Method Instructor

June Kidd

Silva Graduate

Kuldip – Practicing Accountant

This program is also 100% HRDC claimable - SBL Khas

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